Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Autobiographical Narrative

" Run, Jules, Run! C'mon you're there. You can do it. Don't give up." My name is Bryanna, but most of my friends know me as Jules. I'm a young girl in high school living in Los Angeles, California. I come from a poor Mexican family that moved to L.A. to get a better life for my siblings and I. I'm a softball player , and the oldest of five kids.
I come from a family were my parents are immigrants, both from Mexico. We are quite a big family and money comes slow but has to gout quick. My father had very little education and for him education is not quite important. My mother, on the other hand, has only the basic education and she thinks education is the most important thing in my life right now. I have no proper English, far lower than someone my age should have. But that's why I accept the challenge to become a better reader and writer in AP English Literature.
One of my passions is softball. I love softball. I love this sport because the girls I play with later grow with me. We practice together and for a magnificent sisterly bond. We loose together and win together, but most importantly, fight on the field. Softball teaches the players to be responsible, loyal to one another, and be open to the world and change that follows. Being on a team requires responsibility because you have to dedicate you time and be faithful to the game. There are softball practices and games we have to make time for. Not to mention managing with chores at home and grades at school. They help train you to be a student athlete, which can be as hard as it sounds at times.
I have many dreams in life and I know I have to work hard to obtain them. They say a goal without a plan is just a dream, so I set goals. One of my goals is to go to college. I want to be the first to go to college from my family. I want to help others in many ways I can. I don't know what exactly I want to be but I have many options in my mind; possibly a pediatrition, special-ed teacher, or civil engineer.
I have time to think about it, and I know nothing is certain, I'll put my heart into everything I do. But for now , I'm focused on the ball; that strike she's about to throw at me. I'll give it my all in everything I do, one of those things being softball. For now, all I want to hear are my teammates cheering for me while I play my heart out on the diamond of dreams- " 51 is her number, Jules is her name, she's part of the reason we'll win this game."

1 comment:

  1. I love the introduction to your essay, it encaptures the reader and draws their attention towards your essay. The description of your life is well-written I feel like I've known you for a very long time. You might want to elongate your essay so it doesn't cut short.
